
Cyrus Beckアルゴリズム

2020年3月11日 (水) 07:06時点におけるAdministrator (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (→‎関連項目)
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Cyrus Beck アルゴリズムとは、線分をポリゴンの範囲内にクリッピングするアルゴリズムである。

Cohen SutherlandアルゴリズムやNicholl Le Nichollアルゴリズムとは異なり、非矩形(=ポリゴン)のクリッピングが可能となっている。


using System;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public static class LineClipping
    public static Vector2[] CyrusBeck(Vector2[] vertices, Vector2[] line)
        // 引数チェック
        if (vertices == null || vertices.Length < 3)
            throw new ArgumentException(nameof(vertices));

        if (line == null || line.Length < 2)
            throw new ArgumentException(nameof(line));

        // 頂点数
        var vcount = vertices.Length;

        // 法線を計算
        var normal = new Vector2[vcount];

        for (int i = 0; i < vcount; i++)
            normal[i].X = vertices[i].Y - vertices[(i + 1) % vcount].Y;
            normal[i].Y = vertices[(i + 1) % vcount].X - vertices[i].X;

        // P1-P0を計算
        var p1p0 = line[1] - line[0];

        // P0-PEiを計算
        var p0pei = new Vector2[vcount];

        for (int i = 0; i < vcount; i++)
            p0pei[i] = vertices[i] - line[0];

        // 分子と分母を計算
        var numerator = new float[vcount];
        var denominator = new float[vcount];

        for (int i = 0; i < vcount; i++)
            numerator[i]   = Vector2.Dot(normal[i], p0pei[i]);
            denominator[i] = Vector2.Dot(normal[i], p1p0);

        // enterとleavingを計算
        var t = new float[vcount];
        var tE = new List<float>();
        var tL = new List<float>();

        for (int i = 0; i < vcount; i++)
            t[i] = numerator[i] / denominator[i];

            if (0 < denominator[i])

        var temp = new float[2];
        temp[0] = tE.Max();
        temp[1] = tL.Min();

        // 範囲外(外側)にあると思われる
        if (temp[1] < temp[0])
            return null;

        // ポリゴンの内側にある部分だけを返す
        var result = new Vector2[2];
        result[0].X = line[0].X + p1p0.X * temp[0];
        result[0].Y = line[0].Y + p1p0.Y * temp[0];
        result[1].X = line[0].X + p1p0.X * temp[1];
        result[1].Y = line[0].Y + p1p0.Y * temp[1];
        return result;


// C++ Program to implement Cyrus Beck 
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <utility> 
#include <vector> 
using namespace std; 
using namespace sf; 
// Function to draw a line in SFML 
void drawline(RenderWindow* window, pair<int, int> p0, pair<int, int> p1) 
    Vertex line[] = { 
        Vertex(Vector2f(p0.first, p0.second)), 
        Vertex(Vector2f(p1.first, p1.second)) 
    window->draw(line, 2, Lines); 
// Function to draw a polygon, given vertices 
void drawPolygon(RenderWindow* window, pair<int, int> vertices[], int n) 
    for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) 
        drawline(window, vertices[i], vertices[i + 1]); 
    drawline(window, vertices[0], vertices[n - 1]); 
// Function to take dot product 
int dot(pair<int, int> p0, pair<int, int> p1) 
    return p0.first * p1.first + p0.second * p1.second; 
// Function to calculate the max from a vector of floats 
float max(vector<float> t) 
    float maximum = INT_MIN; 
    for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) 
        if (t[i] > maximum) 
            maximum = t[i]; 
    return maximum; 
// Function to calculate the min from a vector of floats 
float min(vector<float> t) 
    float minimum = INT_MAX; 
    for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) 
        if (t[i] < minimum) 
            minimum = t[i]; 
    return minimum; 
// Cyrus Beck function, returns a pair of values 
// that are then displayed as a line 
pair<int, int>* CyrusBeck(pair<int, int> vertices[], 
                          pair<int, int> line[], int n) 
    // Temporary holder value that will be returned 
    pair<int, int>* newPair = new pair<int, int>[2]; 
    // Normals initialized dynamically(can do it statically also, doesn't matter) 
    pair<int, int>* normal = new pair<int, int>[n]; 
    // Calculating the normals 
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
        normal[i].second = vertices[(i + 1) % n].first - vertices[i].first; 
        normal[i].first = vertices[i].second - vertices[(i + 1) % n].second;
    // Calculating P1 - P0 
    pair<int, int> P1_P0 
        = make_pair(line[1].first - line[0].first, 
                    line[1].second - line[0].second); 
    // Initializing all values of P0 - PEi 
    pair<int, int>* P0_PEi = new pair<int, int>[n]; 
    // Calculating the values of P0 - PEi for all edges 
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
        // Calculating PEi - P0, so that the 
        // denominator won't have to multiply by -1 
            = vertices[i].first - line[0].first; 
        // while calculating 't' 
        P0_PEi[i].second = vertices[i].second - line[0].second;
        cout << P0_PEi[i].first << "," << P0_PEi[i].second <<endl;
    cout << endl;
    int *numerator = new int[n], *denominator = new int[n]; 
    // Calculating the numerator and denominators 
    // using the dot function 
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
        numerator[i] = dot(normal[i], P0_PEi[i]); 
        denominator[i] = dot(normal[i], P1_P0);
        cout << numerator[i] << "," << denominator[i] << endl;
    cout << endl;
    // Initializing the 't' values dynamically 
    float* t = new float[n]; 
    // Making two vectors called 't entering' 
    // and 't leaving' to group the 't's 
    // according to their denominators 
    vector<float> tE, tL; 
    // Calculating 't' and grouping them accordingly 
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
        t[i] = (float)(numerator[i]) / (float)(denominator[i]);
        cout << t[i] << endl;
        if (denominator[i] > 0) 
    cout << endl;
    // Initializing the final two values of 't' 
    float temp[2]; 
    // Taking the max of all 'tE' and 0, so pushing 0 
    temp[0] = max(tE); 
    // Taking the min of all 'tL' and 1, so pushing 1 
    temp[1] = min(tL); 
    // Entering 't' value cannot be 
    // greater than exiting 't' value, 
    // hence, this is the case when the line 
    // is completely outside 
    if (temp[0] > temp[1]) { 
        newPair[0] = make_pair(-1, -1); 
        newPair[1] = make_pair(-1, -1); 
        return newPair; 
    // Calculating the coordinates in terms of x and y 
    newPair[0].first  = (float)line[0].first  + (float)P1_P0.first  * (float)temp[0]; 
    newPair[0].second = (float)line[0].second + (float)P1_P0.second * (float)temp[0]; 
    newPair[1].first  = (float)line[0].first  + (float)P1_P0.first  * (float)temp[1]; 
    newPair[1].second = (float)line[0].second + (float)P1_P0.second * (float)temp[1]; 
    cout << '(' << newPair[0].first << ", "
         << newPair[0].second << ") ("
         << newPair[1].first << ", "
         << newPair[1].second << ")"; 
    return newPair; 
// Driver code 
int main() 
    // Setting up a window and loop 
    // and the vertices of the polygon and line 
    RenderWindow window(VideoMode(500, 500), "Cyrus Beck"); 
    pair<int, int> vertices[] 
        = { make_pair(200, 50), 
            make_pair(250, 100), 
            make_pair(200, 150), 
            make_pair(100, 150), 
            make_pair(50, 100), 
            make_pair(100, 50) }; 
    // Make sure that the vertices 
    // are put in a clockwise order 
    int n = sizeof(vertices) / sizeof(vertices[0]); 
    pair<int, int> line[] = { make_pair(10, 10), make_pair(450, 200) }; 
    pair<int, int>* temp1 = CyrusBeck(vertices, line, n); 
    pair<int, int> temp2[2]; 
    temp2[0] = line[0]; 
    temp2[1] = line[1]; 
    // To allow clipping and unclipping 
    // of the line by just pressing a key 
    bool trigger = false; 
    while (window.isOpen()) { 
        Event event; 
        if (window.pollEvent(event)) { 
            if (event.type == Event::Closed) 
            if (event.type == Event::KeyPressed) 
                trigger = !trigger; 
        drawPolygon(&window, vertices, n); 
        // Using the trigger value to clip 
        // and unclip a line 
        if (trigger) { 
            line[0] = temp1[0]; 
            line[1] = temp1[1]; 
        else { 
            line[0] = temp2[0]; 
            line[1] = temp2[1]; 
        drawline(&window, line[0], line[1]); 
    return 0; 


brew install sfml


c++ cyrusbeck.cpp -o cyrusbeck -lsfml-window -lsfml-graphics -lsfml-system 
